When the telephone beside her bed rang, Miss Flanagan sneaked a guilty look at the clock on her bedside locker – 9.10 am and she was still in bed! This was a scenario previously unheard of, for Benford’s finest…

Tag: reading (page 2)
‘Jack Charlton’ By: Seán Creedon
Jack Charlton is unique in this part of the world, as he was a hero in England and a hero in Ireland. Big Jack helped his native England beat West Germany to win the World Cup at Wembley in…
‘Dennis Taylor’ By: Seán Creedon
Wearing glasses can be a disadvantage in most sports, but not in snooker, where Dennis Taylor made an optician famous by wearing his specially designed glasses. The man who developed Taylor’s distinctive swivel-lens spectacles was London-born Jack Karnehm. Karnehm,…
‘Help Me Make It Through The Night’ By: Liam Nolan
Frank Sinatra was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, and was a dyed-in- the-wool city boy. Kris Kristofferson, one of the greatest songwriters of all time, was born in Brownsville, Texas, and grew up to be what Americans call…
‘Treasures’ By: Patricia L.Cisco
Treasures come in so many ways: the sun that lights the cloudy days, a rainbow from a summer shower, a rose that blooms within an hour. Yes, treasures come in so many ways. A baby’s staring, wandering gaze, a dolphin’s…
‘September’ By: Helen Hunt Jackson
‘September’ The golden-rod is yellow; The corn is turning brown; The trees in apple orchards With fruit are bending down. The gentian’s bluest fringes Are curling in the sun; In dusty pods the milkweed Its hidden silk has spun. The…
‘I wonder how, I wonder why’ By: Ciaran McDermott
‘My heart is in Sligo’ By: Ciaran McDermott
Always in tandem, that golden elixir Coming from seemingly nowhere A common thread among all the scripts When you are on it, the dam it burst Not waiting for the moment, it will all stop That would just be tempting…
‘Subtitles’ By: Ciaran McDermott
Subtitles Search for it, find it, grasp it, love it, live it A picture paints what poetry can’t Poetry paints a multitude of pictures A picture paints a thousand words A poem paints a thousand pictures Each with a thousand…
‘Life’ By: Ciaran McDermott
‘Life‘ Belief in miracles Life is a miracle From inception to autonomous growth in the womb Fully fledged being Brought into this world Chaotic, hectic disturbing the lulling serenity within To the reality of life outside You are a miracle…