Was from Dublin. By: Liam Nolan Wearing glasses can be a disadvantage in most sports, but not in snooker, where Dennis Taylor made an optician famous by wearing his specially designed glasses. The man who developed Taylor’s distinctive…

Tag: the forge story (page 2)
Irish Proverbs
Irish Proverbs “Nil aon tintean mar do thintean fein.” There’s no fireside like your own fireside. “Never bolt the door with a boiled carrot.” “Man is incomplete until he marries. After that, he is finished.” “What butter and whiskey will…
Miss Flanagan Stumped By A Clue
Miss Flanagan was stuck on a crossword puzzle. “Without family or friend” … six letters. She sat back in her chair and chewed on the end of her pen, the answer just wouldn’t come. As she rattled her sizeable…
The Strange Judgments of Judge Roy Bean
By Peter Grace The Strange Judgments of Judge Roy Bean In the 1890s in Pecos County in Texas a Paddy O’Rourke killed a Chinaman. He was brought to a hamlet called Langtry and held in the saloon known…
Eiffel’s Amazing Tower
By Gerry Breen Eiffel’s amazing tower By Gerry Breen Gustave Eiffel’s wrought iron tower, which adorns the Champ de Mars in Paris, was built as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair. It was intended to be a temporary structure,…
Kitty The Orphan
KITTY THE ORPHAN Tis a quare tale I have for you tonight that’ll make you stop in your tracks and think twice about any hardship you might ever have brought on another poor soul, begannies, and you might think twice…
Miss Flanagan – Stumped by a clue
‘Dinosaurs on Other Planets’ by Danielle McLaughlin
Dinosaurs on other planets from the short story collection Dinosaurs on Other Planets published by The Stinging Fly Press 2015. Reproduced by permission of the author
Highgate 1956 by Fiona O’Rourke
HIGHGATE 1956 Memories gather like mourners at a wake On the back is written the place and year: Highgate 1956. You are captured in black and white, natty-suited, shirt and tie. A white hanky alps your pocket. Above your head…
Salvage by Siobhàn Mannion
SALVAGE He watches the tracks his fingers make, the sand hot on the surface, cool where he scrapes underneath. Sunlight beats against his shoulders, and occasional laughter reaches him from the nearest group of college kids. Making shadow, they stand…